Thanks a lot mate

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Male
Hi geroge. I really don't know what to do this time. Its not about asking people out. By the way, I don't feel like dating anymore.

Ok, here's what happened. Yesterday was the last day of school (we get a term break). I thought its going on be a nice little holiday, may be me and A* can go out and have fun or something.

But then this morning, something happened. A* asked me, "what was your mate thinking?", I had no idea what she was on about. Then she told me that yesterday after I left, 1 of my other mates called G* made up some lies about A* being pregant with me and told heaps of people, icluding A*'s brother. I was really really mad once I heard that. Thinking what the heck was G* thinking.

Well now, A* is furious at me (I don't even know...), G* was saying he didn't do it, but heaps of people saw it. A*'s dad found out and told the school, I can imagine he's really angry as well coz they are a christian family.

What the hell can I do? I can't say I'm really sorry and pretend nothing happened. G* has ruined the friendship, A* and my holidays. What can I do? Advice
Write a letter to A*'s family telling them that you had no idea that your friend was going to do what he did and that you had nothing to do with it. Also tell them that G* is no longer your friend. Tell them you are sorry that it happened and that you feel bad for A*. And furthermore you have always considered A* to be a good friend and that you hope you can continue to be. And offer to help as much as you can in undoing the harm that G* caused.

You will feel better after writing this and hopefully the family will appreciate it.

Good luck! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at

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