hi everyone!!

ok, so i want to know how all you guys got your first kiss..like when, where, how,..stuff like that. heres my story. i had my first kiss today!!!

so..ill try to keep it short:D

we went to the park district together and played monkey on the woodchips and tag with his siblings; a brother(older than us) and his sister(younger than us). so then we went to his house...well his trampoline. his brother was gone and only his sister left. we played some trampoline games that he made up. then at one point we fell down cuz we were bouncing so much. we laughed and everything was right.we were playing monkey in the middle and he had the ball but he was in the middle. it was a joke but he wasnt supposed to have it. so his sister started fighting for it.he was still on the ground; i was still on the ground. then he said if i kissed him then he would give me the ball. but i knew that was just an excuse.:D so i kissed him..well..i guess its more like 'we' kissed..that was so... cool. then he walked me to the park district were my brother picked me up.

sorry it was long..but i just HAD to share!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and it was all TODAY!!!

Last edited by Bird Crazy103; 03/20/07 12:45 AM.

I ♥ my tiel Dip. Isn't he the cutest?