As a middle schooler, what exaclty are you looking to have happen?
Are you thinking that you might want to dance with him? Perhaps Kiss him? Is there an adult in your life that you can talk about these feelings with?

Having a crush on a boy is totally normal, and your friend being involved is totally normal too....and this boy fighting with you is his way of "putting up a pretence" becouse he really isnt sure of how to handle his emotions.....Most young men are not able to express what young women are. Your more mature, and can express how your feeling in words and on paper...Perhaps hes just not in the same page as you yet....Give it time.

Im assuming that he will be going to the same high school, so just give him the summer to grow~ It takes time and just dont rush to much to grow up yourself....there is plenty of time. I do suggest that you find an adult person that you can trust and share with~ growing pains are hard and there will come a time that in person you'll need a really big hug from someone whos there to wrap their arms around you and be there for you.....