I love to re-arrange things, but I have found that the house we moved to, there seems to be only one or maybe two ways things can be, so I just began to feel depressed at not being able to re-arrange my house. Well, that is, until recently, lol.

I have several books, stuff on fung shui, how to declutter, and how to bring happiness into your home by moving things around. I decided to re-arrange my kitchen cupboards. I felt so much better about how things were once I was finished. It was like I put the items where they really belonged (Meaning, I might never be re-arranging them again), but the joy that I get from my husband and sons searching for the cups, and cereal, things like that, makes me think I ought to do this more often. They believe that you never have to re-arrange unless a TV or similar item comes into the home.

I just spent the past few weeks redecorating my foyer. It was dark, with black shadows in all the corners even in the brightest days of summer. My husband decided to redo our tiles and clean up the mold caused by the water damage on our ceilings. I am so glad that we did this work, because now, instead of passings through as fast as possible, or upper hallway, stairs, and foyer, now it's bright, cheery, and I feel so much more happier. I feel bright, and cheery as I pass though, and even linger in the rooms just a bit, to admire all our hard work. Now, I am looking forward to putting up the Fall and Halloween decorations. I didn't even bother the past couple of years, the foyer was just dreary and depressing, and the decorations only looked sad and forlorn in the dark foyer.

I am looking forward to transforming other rooms in my house, even if I can't actually do much re-arranging, I can make some sort of changes that will reflect my personality.
