I'm sorry you're going through this. I too had a similar childhood. Needless to say, I quickly found lots of out of the house activities. I babysat a lot starting at age 10, in middle school and high school I joined as many clubs as I could and joined the band too. LOL I made sure my grades were good and went away to college. I eventually moved several states away, got married, and started my own loving family. I'm still not real close w/ my family but we try not to let the past become present. It has all taught me valuble lessons and had made me the person I am now, so make it a learning experience. By all the hardships, I vowed I would be the total opposite kind of parent and wife, and I am. If you need me, pm me anytime please. I know 2 yrs. is a long time, but you'll make it kiddo! And you'll be a better person for it. smile *hugs*