I have read many books about stress over the years - Amazon keeps sending them to me to review. In almost every study I've read, the "ranting" technique is counter productive. If you let yourself get all worked up and angry about something, and start yelling, then it teaches you to yell about things to feel better. It creates a cycle. It also teaches others around you, who model on your behavior to yell. It spreads the anger.

The books all recommend - and I believe strongly - that reducing stress needs to come from within. Stress is created by your own body, with how you choose to react to stressors. If you create a healthy body system, with a firmly grounded core, with baths, with books, with a loving family and a network of friend, then things which might stress others have less effect on you.

For example, some people get furious when they are in a traffic jam. Then then rant to friends about it and get more furious the next time. Other people are calm in a traffic jam, they listen to the radio and make the best of what they have in life.

Lisa Shea, Owner