hi dere. how are you. i need some help plz help me out....

Hi dere. how are you....i really need some serious help. dere is this gal that liked me at a frnd birthday party. so this gal tol my frnd to tell me that she is interested in me. so i saw the gal and i liked her aswell and she is hell cute. so i said ok so we start talking to each other n gave away numbers to each other and start msging each other so its been like 2 weeks or so. so just 2 days ago i had the chane to meet her on a frnd party in his house so i was very glad to see her and talk to her....but i find her that she still doesnt trusts me, she feels shy talking to me and while we were talking she was lost, i mean she was looking for words.
so i really wanna know this gal and i want to spent more time with her but the problem is she is too choosy and she said it may take 2-3 years to know me well and then we become gud frnds, i was like, ru kidding....we were having this convo through chatting....so here i wanna know, what should i do, where should i go from here.

i hope you help me out here and plz email me back ill be waiting.