I put a piece of Amethyst near me & calming: Today I started
immediately, allowing myself to pick 5PM ( by that time I'm
done with other chores) 1 1/2 hr. is good I un-packed my 3
new binders and 5 scrapbooks suitable for certain keep-sakes.
got rid of old magazines ( hard to do with my outmoded thinking)
The rest of the magazines I dumped on the floor so I will have
to Sort them out. OK going to make my own luck here:) I want
to remedy this problem. I got rid of a OLD picnic basket that
always gave me the blues ( just by looking or thinking of )
It had cloth napkins inside & now I will use them. and recipies
which i put in my recipie notebook ( for now) WoW that basket
GONE and feels good. I got rid of some old 'reminders' & notes
to do 'things ( I haven't done yet all year) THAT's distracting
and makes me feel bad, They're gone! Over-whelming but I did
it QUICKLY, so Not stop. of course a little potentially
nervous but have been planning this 'power change',knowing
I was going into motion, positive yet still a little stressful.
This is why I was getting worried. Interestingly didn't
bother me as much as I thought and only a hour 1/2 at a time
makes it easier. Thanks to the POSTING here too. So
magazines & start working on Old CDs? and one box a week
(I'm thinking?) I have three boxes of papers (1/2 is papers
and health & junk) the other is personal, so the scrapbooks
should work well and I may toss more then I think. So for
today, having that Picnic basket OUT??? Feels great, and I
have lovely napkins to use next week when my husband will
be home for Vacation & a few meals :)instead of 'waiting for
Company that we don't have as much any more' and I have a nice
place to keep my 'new napkins in my kitchen ( so I can use them)
Like I said <teasing> I don't know what Planet I've been on?
I'm back home, it feels good! Thanks Forum/organizing grin