Has anyone here studied Feng shui or really used it/ worked with it?
some years ago I tried to approach Feng shui. There's different
versions. here in the west best known, Compass school.
And there is Black Hat school<--they use a tool like a
Octagon shaped 'Bagua and it divides a space into 8 sectors
and relates to 'areas of Life (wealth, fame, relationship)
This was all too complex for myself. I'm not always able
to grasp. Even the less complicated ( I have used) a regluar
Compass N S E W each room/ areas of life So I didn't do F S
for a while but I did experement what worked for me
and with my feelings & impressions. I'm wanting to start again.
I changed my window works in my bed room a few days ago?
and I've been 'Down' no energy & off balance ever since.
I'm sure I blocked 'something' maybe too much metal though
metal is surpose to be good for west- windows. Interesting
RE: bathroom. your bathroom & plumbing system is to correspond
to our elimination system. Because personal cleansing rituals
( where the wastes flow away) But we must be careful because
Chi can be flushed OUT of our home via/toilet & drains
and so prosoerity will go - And so faucets that drip,
running toilet causes (slow leak RE: money) ha this is why
Close the Lids, shower curtins ect. Like my bathroom is
close to my bedroom so I keep the door closed. wet energy
drains. The Yin from water will dominate & can 'imbalance'
& dampen Physical energy. I use white paint in my bathrooms.
I don't like firey colors in bathrooms but they say Red, orange,
golden put balance and alot of energy and people use these
colors. Instead I like straight lines and angles ( accessories
no curving shapes except the toilet:) White paint seems to
help delicate health. The bathroom is connected to our health.
That's a easy one to think about:) The germs collect, so
we keep the bathroom clean. Our energy/vitality can be sapped
if Chi goes down the drain too quickly. so because of the imbalnce
& dampening and the physical energy? Bright light helps the Yang:)
That must be the reason I like my husband's Bathroom?
He has bright light & easy for him to shave & function,
I like to use for make-up sometimes & personal. But I keep
a dim light in my bathroom & shower. I can not stand to have the
light on while I'm showering. Guess I don't want to think
about cleaning <teasing> well I plan to study more.
Maybe I need to and that's why I've felt my apartment
stagnent lately. I guess I need new breath wink a good supply.
I feel some kind of disharmony and always extreamly warm up
in my place. But seems more these last few months. well I
will follow up these months. Feng shui works best in
well maintained and clean place. so I will do some more study
very soon. animals have signifieance too (YANG) OK what
is my bird? he must be extreme happiness I'm sure.
If anyone has studied or has any ideas please share.