I'll try to make a LONG story short! I met the love of my life 16 years ago. I was recently divorced w/two children, and it was my first bartending job. I think I fell for him instantly, but made him chase some. He was relentless in his pursuit and wore me down.
5 rough years and two more kids later he followed a path of addiction, and I dealt w/many of my own demons. We didn't see or talk to eachother for 8 years.
Our daughter had started asking a lot of questions so I contacted his mother. She didn't know where he was at the time, but promised to let me know if she heard from him. The very next day (not kidding) he called her. He had been clean for a year and finally felt strong enough to face the past. He wanted to know if she ever heard from me or the kids.
After MANY phone conversations, I felt reasonably sure that he really was clean. He came up from California to reconnect with the kids and never left. That was 3 years ago and we just celebrated our one year anniversary last month.
Imagine my dilemma over the question, "How long have you been together?"

"What if you're wrong? What if there's more? What if there's hope you've never dreamed of hoping for?"-Nicole Nordman