So I can't help but gush, being a newlywed and all. =D But marriage is pretty awesome I must say. My husband and I may be living with his parents, bringing home little money (both hold retail jobs) and still in college, but I couldn't imagine a better way to live.

July 30th of this year we got married for those who don't know. We're still in undergraduate college, sharing 4 classes together even though he's a psychology major and I'm a biblical and theological studies major. =P We have one kitten, our baby, and aren't planning on having human babies for at least a full year (when he graduates). Life is cramped, not perfect, and hardly comfortable, but we have each other.

For those that have myspace, I hope linking this album works:

For those that don't, or if that linkage doesn't work, whenever I'm not so lazy I will post pictures.