Okay, here's the background story:
I'm from Indiana but last summer I lived and worked in Chicago (for three months).

There was a guy there who I thought was really attractive but completely brushed off thinking it would never happen.

Well, in the last couple of weeks before I had to leave to go back to school, we ended up working together a little more than we had for the past three months.

Well, around that same time, he told one of the guys he thought I was cute and I mentioned I thought he was cute too.

So there was some flirting (mostly on his part...I kind of froze up because I knew I was leaving) but we didn't get to really know each other that well. However, before I left I got his myspace URL (kind of lame, I know but I did it).

The only time we actually contacted each other was a couple of weeks after I had left and he sent me a message asking how I was doing. I responded but he never said anything back.

Well, it's been a year and it turns out I'm moving back to Chicago. I won't be working in the same place though because that was in the suburbs and I don't want to go back unless desperate for a job. And of course, chances of me seeing him around the city are slim to none but what little interaction I had with him made impression on me and I wish I would've been able to see if anything could've happened.

My Question is: Would it be weird if, once I get there, I sent him a message just saying hi and mentioning I live there and if he wants to hang out he should get a hold of me? I mean, I think it would be normal if we had talked a lot and then lost touch but we didn't talk that much so I don't know if it would just come across as a little random and odd. Plus, I don't want him to think it's just a hook-up thing...that's not what this is...I would really just want to see him again and get to know him.

Thanks for your help! :-D
Hi Wab2009 & welcome. smile

It might be a good idea to check out whether he still goes on My Space. If he does, then you could try contacting him again there.

In a year, he may have found himself a girlfriend ~ or he might be wishing that you were still in Chicago.

You don't want to put him under pressure, or feel rebuffed, but you do want to give your friendship / relationship a chance, so why not just say something casual like:

'Hi! Long time, no see. But that may be changing because ~ guess what ~ I'm moving back to Chicago.
Perhaps we could meet up? What do you think?'

Would you feel comfortable with that?

Good luck! smile
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