Here's an interesting set of statistics. It seems to state that if you marry in the wildly changing personality years of age 20-24 that you are more likely to divorce than any other age group.

Let me see if I can get this to line up properly.

                   Female      Male
<20 yrs old         27.6%      11.7%
20-24 yrs           36.6%      38.8%
25-29 yrs           16.4%      22.3%
30-34 yrs            8.5%      11.6%
35-39 yrs            5.1%       6.5%

So it's really best to wait until you are 30 if you want it to last.

This data is from the CDC. The other books I've read that talk about this information indicate that it's usually that the 20-24 age group is going through all sorts of personality changes, goal changes, etc. and someone they hook up with is not necessarily going to be the right person for them long term.
I got married when I was 22... I could be one of those supporting that statistic - unfortunately. I agree with Lisa regarding the changes that people go through in that period - I have changed significantly from when I got married.
I have to say that the stats would be skewed unless all the marriages in the survey were first marriages. At the older ages you are very likely in you second marriage, and hopefully learned something about:
1. choosing a mate
2. making a marriage work
Agree with BLR hands down. Mine is currently a first marriage. It's sad people sometimes have to go through one marriage in order for another marriage to end up working.
I definitely agree that marrying young can cause problems, because people change such a lot as they mature. I say this quite regularly to young people on this forum.

However, I am surprised that this pattern is discussed in the 20-24 age range. Certainly, I do think that 20 is still young, but I was married before the age of 24, as were many of my friends and relatives. Most marriages are still going strong.

The marriages that didn't survive tended to be the ones, where the participants were under 21. Of course, this is a generalisation. People may divorce for all sorts of reasons.

I can think of at least two people, who waited until they were around 30 to marry ~ one separated and one divorced.
It seems that you have a better chance of success on your second try. I did not know who I was until close to 40. And that was with some counseling.
Yet I have heard that people who have divorced once are more likely to divorce again.
It's amazing what they can do with statistics. smile
A few things I just found on the web:

'Children of Divorced Parents Are More Likely to Themselves Divorce' ~ by Banister Nuri

'Nicholas H. Wolfinger is an adjunct associate professor of Sociology at the University of Utah. His new book ... describes how children of divorce are more likely to end their own marriages. .... Wolfinger describes how divorce is a phenomenon that tends to snowball over many generations, increasing the likelihood that future couples will split.'

'The current U.S. divorce rate:
'Divorce rates among Christian groups:

'Dr. Tom Ellis, chairman of the Southern Baptist Convention's Council on the Family said that for "...born-again Christian couples who the church after having received premarital counseling...and attend church regularly and pray daily together..." experience only 1 divorce out of nearly 39,000 marriages -- or 0.00256 percent.'

'A recent study by the Barna Research Group throws extreme doubt on these estimates.

'Divorce rates among conservative Christians were significantly higher than for other faith groups, and much higher than Atheists and Agnostics experience.

'George Barna, president and founder of Barna Research Group, commented:
"While it may be alarming to discover that born again Christians are more likely than others to experience a divorce, that pattern has been in place for quite some time ...".'
More on this here:

'Couples who live together before marriage more likely to get divorced '
'Sharing the same home can pressurise people into getting married for all the wrong reasons, according to scientists.

'In the UK more than three-quarters of couples live together before marriage ...

'About one-in-five of those who cohabited before getting engaged had since suggested divorce - compared with only 12 percent of those who only moved in together after getting engaged and 10 percent who did not cohabit prior to the wedding bells.'
16 Jul 2009

'Women who work full-time are three times more likely to get divorced than those who stay at home.'

'That's according to research to be published this week in the European Sociological Review which also reveals that the longer hours women work, the more likely they are to be divorced.'
Jul 2005

'After a separation or divorce the chances of marrying or cohabiting again decrease. In particular, a previous marriage or children from a previous relationship, reduce the chances of a new relationship.'
ScienceDaily (Sep. 26, 2007)

'How many women marry, divorce, and cohabitate?'
Lots of statistics here 'From the National Survey of Family Growth'
Just a couple of observations about stats.

One - if a woman works outside the home, she has the means to divorce, wereas a woman who does not, has very little choice.

I have read stats that say it is after the second divorce that the chances of a marriage lasting.

After a divorce, if the person does not cohabitate or get married again, indicates that they don't like being married. The same is true of widows or widowers that do not remarry, chances are they did not like being married.
Interesting! Probably true, but as already touched on, there are just way too many contributing factors that need to be controlled to make a definitive conclusion.

I married 21, and I'll admit it's been a rough ride. I've changed tremendously since marriage/engagement in ways that some husbands would not approve of at all. I'm young and in college, what do you expect? =) But we're together, and in love.

But I can understand it leading to divorce. One of my cousins married young and is getting a divorce on the basis for "marrying with the wrong intentions." Too many young people probably do the same!
Originally Posted By: BLR
I have to say that the stats would be skewed unless all the marriages in the survey were first marriages. At the older ages you are very likely in you second marriage, and hopefully learned something about:
1. choosing a mate
2. making a marriage work

Isn't that true about any older person though? Someone who is older, who has worked in jobs for 10 or 20 years and dealt with bosses and underlings and clients has learned a lot about relationships. I know many older people in first marriages who are very stable, far more stable than they were in their early 20s. I think it is the life experience and the past-the-hormone-insanity that helps, not necessarily that they had rings on their fingers before.
On one hand if a widow / widower doesn't remarry, maybe they didn't like being married. On the other hand, it could mean they miss their dead partner so much that they don't want to marry again. So you never know!

I do think though if they say out of the entire US that women 20-24 are **7** times more likely to divorce than woman 35-39 that that seems to transcend religions and divorced children and other issues. There is something fairly serious and country-wide going on there.
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