Cheating and Lying

Building Honesty :
It Is Hard But Take Care of Yourself First

I just recently found out that my husband had a four month affair with a woman he met on theinternet. We have children together and that makes it so much more difficult. I feel that I am not strong enough to make the decision to leave because not only does it affect me but the lives of others as well.

I am going to counselling to get myself stronger and deal with the anger and disappoinment in my marriage. Otherwise, my children will suffer when they go out in the world and start their own relationships.

Its different when you have children...I feel that I can not mourn the loss of my marriage because I have to put on a happy face and keep on going. Just knowing that there are people out there going through the same thing helps me. Hopefully, with councelling and realization of the problems in my marriage I will be able to move on and take care of my family.

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