Cheating and Lying

Building Honesty :
Dig Up Their Dirt

I found out too late. I should have dug up dirt before we became serious. Dont be afraid to look through his/her phone, glove compartment, room, wallet, emails, and instant messages when first getting to know him/her so you know what this person is all about if he/she is the player type who plays with other's emotions. Explain to him/her that your doing it to be cautious...but dont let him fool you by telling you that you could see it another day, it just gives him/her the chance to erase the evidence. If he argues his way out, he's hiding something. If he/she is not hiding anything, it should be okay. You wouldnt want to get hurt in the long run right? Its better to know the dirt under his finger nails. Trust me, its worth it, because in the beginning cheaters lead you to believe that they can never hurt you, but they are the worst person to get involved with, because they are inconsiderate about your feelings. They are selfish...they want to have their cake and eat it too. Just be careful and cautious.

If a person was honest, he/she will let you know if he wants to be serious or just want to mess around.

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

Cheating and Lying > Building Honesty

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