Kissing Tips and Techniques

First Kisses :

Take a peice of chocolate and if it's wrapped, slowly unwrap it and seductively put it in your mouth while keeping your eyes locked onto your partners the entire time (this will really turn them on). Melt the chocolate a little bit but not too much (or else it will get messy) and pull your partner towards you. Place one hand on the back of their neck and the other arm around the waist. Begin to french. Keep in mind you're NOT supposed to transfer the chocolate into their mouth. Keep it in yours and let them french you to taste it.
Recommendations: 1.) if the chocolate piece is kinda big, do NOT attempt to put and dissolve all of it in your mouth. You're gonna have a hard time. Bite off small pieces. 2.) Try not to get a chocolate that's too sweet. I suggest dark chocolate or a good quality milk chocolate. Hershey Kisses are ideal.
Enjoy =)

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