Cheating and Lying

Building Honesty :
Kiss and Tell

Curiosity killed the cat, and it may just kill you relationship as well. I am in a situation where I an deathly attracted to a friend of mine. However I am married and love my husband. Curiosity got the better of me and sorry to say I was intimate with my very attractive friend. Needless to say the guild has overridden me and now I fully regret what I’ve done. Did it feel good? …Yes Was it worth it?…No. The potential pain that I can cause to my husband scares me and now I live in fear that he will find out, and guilt that he does not know.

Don’t make the mistake, and feel guilty for the rest of your life with your spouse like me. Don’t let simple curiosity get the better of you.

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Cheating and Lying > Building Honesty

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Cheating and Lying : List of Topics
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