Daily Love Tips and Ideas

Learn and Grow :
pillow for thoughts!!

all you need is a piece of cloth (anything he/she might like or can be considered an inside joke for you two) and thread and a needle and you are already half way there!! sew a pillow for him/her because...what is a better way to show him/her that you love him/her but to make him/her think of you every night he/she goes to sleep when you aren't able to be around him/her. a pillow is great idea because it has meaning and it takes time and it means a lot because i don't think anyone can complain that they have too much pillows!! also, when his/her friends come over they will ask about the pillow and your bf/gf will realize how sweet you are...!!

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

Daily Love Tips and Ideas > Learn and Grow

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