Kissing Tips and Techniques

First Kisses :
Major Turn On!!!

Alright this 1 is for girls, One day at school i was with this guy that i liked at the time and when it was time to go to class he tried to just give me a hug and leave(now that just wasn't cuttin it for me) so as he was starting to walk off i turned him around by his arm half aggresively and gently and said "you can't get away from me that easily" then i pulled him close to me grabbed him by the shirt then held on to his belt buckle and we had the most passtionate french kiss of both of our lives!!! We were both talking about how great it was for days

you just cant be scared if you want it go after it! If you are scared then it will never work for you the way you want it to.

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Kissing Tips and Techniques > First Kisses

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