Cheating and Lying

Building Honesty :
he cheated i cheated

I just found out my fiance of 3 years cheated on me with a stranger when he was drunk. the thing is he planned it out and did not care what he was doing. when i found out he was upset and realized what he was giving up. He thought i was unhappy and was going to breakup with me the next day. The thing is i was gone visiting family for a few months and he called and said his feelings had changed a few months back and i went out and did the same thing as him. Now i cant get the images out of my head of what he did and what i did too. I wonder if this can bring us closer or if we are just headed for more heartbreak down the road. You should always be honest and tell them how you feel. This pain isnt worth it. When two people are feeling pain the seem to hurt the people that mean most to them.

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Cheating and Lying > Building Honesty

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Cheating and Lying : List of Topics
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