Cheating and Lying

Building Honesty :
My boyfriend of 7 years cheated

The love of my life that I have been best friends, lovers, and lived with for 7 years has found a girl at work that he started seeing and feels he is in love. He never told me, but the clues all added up. I tried to get him to leave the house many times and he won't. He went so far as to rent out a house a month ago and still never moved. He wants to stay with me. He said I didn't pay much attention to him because I am also in school part he felt not loved in every way. He never told me this was a problem. He said they didn't have sex. Watch for the signs of an affair, they are right in front of your nose if your partner is not the same towards you. He wouldn't kiss me,, hold my hand, and I knew something was not right. I do want it to work, but he needs to stop seeing the other girl. I am willing

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