Recovering from a Breakup

Dating Again :
Hoping of getting back together

If you still love the person and hope to get back together, refrain from letting your anger get the best of you. Be yourself and accept the pain and sadness that your going through, cry if you have to, it's part of the break up process, confide in a trustworthy person and try and hear their opinion about the whole situation. Try and go out to places where you have mutual friends and when you bump into each other don't fake your feelings and emotions by trying to hook up with the hottest guy or girl in the room to make them feel jealous, let the person see that your hurting and that your not your normal self. Hopefully this will make them feel your pain and remind them of what you meant to each other. If the person has moved on don't try and move on too just for the sake of it. Let your pain heal naturally, it will take sometime and you will eventually regain your strength and be ready to date again, make sure that this time round you find someone that genuinely cares about you and reciprocate it.

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Recovering from a Breakup : List of Topics
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