Cheating and Lying

Building Honesty :
cheated on and still in love

You never know how you'll react until you're cheated on. My boyfriend cheated on me, I felt angry, hurt, and lost. But when it comes down to it, I still love him and care for him. Maybe I don't believe him anymore, but I still believe in him. If you still love the person and believe they care, I say give them the chance to prove themselves worthy again. People make mistakes, out of fear or need or insecurities. Learn to talk because chances are things weren't perfect before this happened. If you can be comfortable talkig about things and trust that person enough to tell them your feelings, it may work out. If you really don't think the cheater is sorry for what he did, get rid of them, they aren't worth your time. But don't throw away something that has hope left.

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