Cheating and Lying

Building Honesty :
Once a cheater always a cheater- CLARIFIED

The original tip read:
"If your boyfriend cheats once dont take him back! If hes has cheated once he WILL cheat again."

Let me clarify some facts:
1. This applies to girls as well. If a girl cheated on you once, she is likely to do it again.
2. There is no garuntee... they may cheat once and never again... however, be realistic and understand that such a thing would be a minority incidence. Cheating once GREATLY increases the likelyhood of it happening again, but by no means garuntees it. If you don't want to run the risk, leave.
3. The main thing to remember in this tip is "ON YOU". If they cheated on someone else, while it is still possible, it by no means indicates that it is probable. Each relationship is different. Just because they cheated on Girl/Guy X does not mean they will cheat on Girl/Guy Z.
There are exceptions - some people enjoy cheating, and some have no respect for commitment or monogamy. Such are much more likely to cheat.
Some are swingers who have rules for outter-relationship play... that isn't cheating, its swinging. Even still, let's not play with fire.

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

Cheating and Lying > Building Honesty

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