Kissing Tips and Techniques
First Kisses :
ear kiss - will definitely turn her on!! (for guys)
want to send shivers down your girl's spine? just do this!
me and my boyfriend were at a party watching a movie and he had his arms around me as we were sitting on the couch and he started doing this;
guys, if your not doing anything, and she's semi-turned away from you, slowly lean in, so you won't freak her out, and gently kiss the back of her ear. just kiss it, slowly and gently. no tongue needed! just kiss the back of and around her ear and i guarentee you, you will get a very positive response. best done spontaneously!
if she doesnt like it, dont push it, back off and respect her comfort zone. that's the hottest thing in a guy ;)
but, 99.9% of the time, she'll go crazy. it was enough to make me forget all about the hot guys waging war with eachother in the movie 300! she'll lose control and be yours!
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