Love Poetry

Love Poems - User Submitted :
It was you..

It all started when,
I was your ordanary girl next door,
Just like most other girls were,
Till i actully felt real love,
Where it came from, i don't know.
That love was lurking some where

I lest for that feeling to go away,
I had absolutly no mastery
I bided long enough for this,

When that day finally came,
He came right up to me,
There is was, infront of me
I could feel the warmth of him
The warmth of his love

It was him i felt love for,
He was the deep black whole,
that was biding to be filled,

The lurked love is finally found
My life was brightened up,
With red hearts as love.
It was you,...
It was you all along

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

Love Poetry > Love Poems - User Submitted

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