Cheating and Lying

Signs of Cheating :
The neighbour

You have a new neighbour who happens to be single. your partner befriends them which all seems innocent to start with,until your partner starts to go round there everyday
perhaps four or five times a day. and when you say ok i will come with you so you can get to know the neighbour too they make excusses so you cant go round there. When you confront them they say they are only going round to get out of the house cos they spend all day at home.

Then they start to get messages off the neighbour five mins after they have got in right up until they go to bed and then first thing in the morning. or your partner starts to act like he cares for the neighbours kids more than yours.

Dont stand for it there is definatly something going on
its happening to me now i just need proof and he is gone.

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