Recovering from a Breakup

Easing the Pain - Under $10 :
only time will tell.

people are saying that a lot of different things out there can help ease the pain of a breakup, no matter how painful. But I'm here to say that while those things may help, they won't completely take away the pain, they will only numb the pain for a little while. If you really love and care for the person you've just suffered a break up from, it will take quite some time to heal from it, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Believe me, I've been there. I really loved this guy named A.J. and i thought that after we broke up for the last time I would never be able to love and feel again. At first it was really extremely tough, but as time went on I got better and eventually i got over him. It took all of nine months or so...but now i'm really truly over him. I used to think to myself that if he ever came back ( he moved far away), that it would all be like before. Like i would fall under his spell and go back out with him and fall in love all over again, but now I know that I'm confident enough not to fall for that ever again. So, everyone who's dealing with a break up, just give it time. It will all get better. I promise.

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