Recovering from a Breakup

Easing the Pain - Free :
get rid of his memory

Once you've broken up, you really need to throw away everything that reminds u of him, like things he had gifted u with in the past, or love letters/messages/comments(if you're a myspace user). And i know you're not wanting to, but i assure u that it will be for the better. Ex: You're on your myspace.You're pretty much almost over him and doing fine without him.So you're looking through all your comments and see one that catches you eye. it reads " Hay baby(: are we still on for dinner tonight? I love you always and forever and you're the one im gonna grow old with. I love you and i cant stop thinking about you." do you know how much its gonna suck seeing that agen, and you're back to step 1. but if u seriously cant go w/o the stuff he gave u, pack it all up and put it in a place when you wont see it in a long time.

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Recovering from a Breakup > Easing the Pain - Free

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