Dating a Friend

Telling your Friend How You Feel :
an easy way to do it

the way my current bf told me was
1) we first started going out to the park more often with our other friend.
2) if it was raining then we would all go back to his house nd he would always sit by me
3) 1 day it started 2 rain relii bad so my mom picked me up.
4) wen i got home he txt me sayin im bored will yhu tlk 2 me or summet
5) so i txt him bk sayin yh wat do yhu wonna tlk bout he sed nethin yhu cn pick
6) i sed 2 him tell me hu yhu fancy lyk yhu sed yhu wud.
7) he txt bk sayin yhu cn have 10 quetions nd thn yhu can gess
8) we got 2 bout 5 questions we he sed yhu r neva gonna gess it dumbass its yhu. i was lyk r yhu serious nd he sed yh
9) about 1 hour later we were still txtin so we decided 2 go on msn where he asked me out.

x we have nw bin 2getha for 5months x

hope this helps if yhu get into this situation

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