Kissing Tips and Techniques

First Kisses :
Dont move too fast (Guys MUST read!)

my bf really likes me and has for 2 or 3 years and he didnt want to move too fast and make me breakup with him and all of my friends were telling him to kiss me. he didmt kno if i wanted him to kiss me and i was on vacation and would be gone for a whole month so he was txting me one night and asked me if i wanted him to kiss me. i didnt kno what to say so i simply told him the truth, that i did want him to kiss me. (i actualy had been waiting for a while.) it made me happy cuz he cared about me enough to ask if i wanted him to before and it really made me anxious to see him when i got back. so guys, if you want to kiss your gf you should ask her if she wants you to. it really makes her feel like you care, it might seem akward to ask, but it makes the girl feel really cared about.

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