Cheating and Lying

My Partner has Cheated on Me :
Exes are the worst

My boyfriend and are pretty serious, but it's really hard for me to get over the fact that he slept with his ex while dating me. It was a shock when i found out, but when i asked him about it he told me the truth, straight out, like he had nothing to hide. We've been going out for about a year and a half, and i found out a few months ago.
The thing is, i just can't get it out of my head. I'm trying to work it out, to build my trust for him back up. I love him, and i don't want this to get in the way. However, he continues to hang out with his ex, even though he says they are now just friends.

My advice is, if your special somebody cheated on you with an ex, leave him right then and there. There's obviously more going on than just friendship. You don't want to end up where I am, jealous whenever he goes out with her and him accusing me that i'll never trust him again. It might be true, and without trust you'll never make it work.

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