Cheating and Lying

Signs of Cheating :

My partner was cheating on me i made myself belive it was just my mind through the way he would make it feel like i was always doing something wrong so when he started becoming more angry he'd accuse me of cheating and would want me to passafie him and sooth him more often into telling him how great he was any time he wanted to go home early in the morning he would start an agrument over silly things. he would go out with his friends till silly time and not answer he's phone or send busy tone and say he was driving, trust your gut feelings girl! no matter how much you love the person its a trick of the mind and anyone who makes you feel like you have to prove yourself to them isn't worth your time i learnt the hard way but anyone who know's the way their being treated isn't right get out now you will find someone worth 10 of them another big tip to tell if your partner is cheating is they will always use reverse physiology eg. he/she will turn round and say to you i don't deserve you this is because they want to feel secure you no yourself when somethings also if you joke about a partner cheating they will twist it on you or always accuse you. don't be fooled you no whats right .. and if you took the time to read these facts like me. you no in your gut feeling something isn't right they might make you think its you but onistly its not

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Signs of Cheating : List of Tips
Cheating and Lying : List of Topics
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