Is It Love

What Girls Want :
Something to think about

Guys are often accusing girls of being shallow because they crush on the hottest guys they see. This isn't being shallow, this is us fantasizing. You can't tell me guys don't fantasize. Even girls who go out with guys with good looks aren't shallow. They often see somehthing past the hotness. The girls who choose guys BASED on looks are shallow.
If you're a guy who isn't a future male model and you get turned down, don't assume it was because you didn't have the looks. When a girl is asked out, it can be awkward. This is even more true when her friends are around or something big is going on in the girl's life. There are often reasons that have nothing to do with outward appearance. DO NOT assume she's shallow.
When you really want to get a girl's attention, try becoming friends. Say hi when you see her, do things just as friends, and give little hints that you want more, like flirting when you talk to her, or buying little gifts for holidays. If we want more than friendship, we'll respond in a way that makes this clear. If not, then we'll just keep thinking of you as a really good friend. Also, cleaning yourself up doesn't hurt. We don't exactly want guys with very little personal hygiene or fashion sense.
Some other tips:
-Be confident, or at least act it. Smile, join in conversations, and make eye contact once in a while. Stand up straight, shoulders back, and puff your chest. Even if you're the shyest guy in the world, just doing one or two of these things makes you appear more confident.
-Make yourself approachable. Don't cross your arms across your chest and frown. Keep a small smile on your face and look around invitingly. Good thing to practice in the mirror.
-Really, do clean yourself up. Take showers more than once a week, brush your hair, your teeth, and make sure your clothes fit properly. If you think it's time for a major change in looks and your comfortable with it, go for it. She'll definitely notice.
-JUST BE YOUR BEST SELF. Don't try to act like the jerks that everyone loves. If you collect Star Trek memorabilia or only listen to German rap, then show it. Everyone has their odd quirks.
I hope these tips help!!

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

Is It Love > What Girls Want

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