Daily Love Tips and Ideas

Written Words :
Gifts- Simple words can sufice

Most women love gifts, whether it is big or small, as the majority of women think it is the though that counts! (right?! but make sure it isn't insulting, girls are quite sensitive even if they ddon't show it)

But simple gift ideas can make a hude impact.

Here are a few Ideas

1. Put a collage of words that mean something to her into a simple/fancy photo frame. Maybe add some pretty pictures of you and her together.

2. Buy a plain notepad and doodle your words (such as chocolate, bacon pie (a giggle my bf n I had) or even just I love Trevor/Barbra all over the cover)Then fill the book with georgeous pics of you two!

3. Buy a bunch of flowers and ~(carefully) wrap the base or vase up in your own wrapping paper.
To make the wrapping paper, buy a plain coloured wrapping paper (ok so not so much homemade) put all of your words all over it, add pics if wanted and finnaly sspay the wrapping paper the her perfume if it is to handy!

4. Homemade card. Create a simple card (or buy one if you are less creative) and then stuff the inside with confetti.
To make confetti. Shread paper and write your words on it. Then when she opens the card, it creates a romantic air (don't let her open card in a tidy room, she won't be happy!)

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

Daily Love Tips and Ideas > Written Words

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