Love Quotes
Movie Love Quotes :
The Notebook
NOAH: Would you just stay with me?
ALLIE: Stay with you? What for? Look at us, we're already fighting.
NOAH: Well, that's what we do. We fight. You tell me when I'm being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you're being a pain in the ass. Which you are 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. They have like a two second rebound rate and you're back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing.
ALLIE: So, what?
NOAH: So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be real hard. And we're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that, because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day. … Will you do something for me? Please? Will you just picture your life for me? years from now, what's it look like? If it's with that guy, go! Go! I lost you once, I think I could do it again, if I thought it's what you really wanted. But don't you take
the easy way out.
ALLIE: What easy way? There is no easy way, no matter what I do, somebody gets hurt.
NOAH: Would you stop thinking about what everyone wants. Stop thinking about what I want, what he wants, what your parents want. What do you want? ... What do you want?
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