Cheating and Lying

My Partner has Cheated on Me :
Betrayal from a husband and a father

Betrayal cannot be mend or heal especially from a person whom you gave your all. One has to learn to find strength within them even at a time when you think there is none. It is a hard lesson learned that is very tough to swallow but life goes on. Tears, heartache, sleeplessness is just another obstacle to tackle to achieve once inner happiness.
I have been married for 5 years with two kids. I am crushed and feel very betrayed at the circumstances. I know at the end of the dark tunnel there is light. I will conquer this time in my life and know that even with a failed marriage my greatest blessings are my kids. I have no doubt that I will achieve life's greatest wealth: LOVE, HAPPINESS, and is after all within me.

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