Is It Love

What Girls Want :
Respect and Honesty

All men and boys need to understand that no matter what, a woman should always be respected because if you want respect from her, you have to give it. Women are less likly to be nice to you if your not nice to them. Most women just want respect and honesty. Respecting your lover and telling her the truth will get you much futher. Lies only create problems in the long run and can really hurt someone, especially women. We're emotional about a lot of things, and I know most women cannot stand being lied too, it makes a relationship much harder to progress when someone has been lied to. In the long run women will question your every move and everything you say; it'll make it hard for her to believe in the love you give. Also if you truely respect her it will show here that she means so much more to you. I always like when a guy can respect me because it shows me that he has an interest in who I am and not just what I stand for in the man's life (a girlfriend). It makes the relationship much closer and it lets things just flow instead of having those silly arguements over nothing. There is no progression in that, but if you can both figure out how to respect each other and your wants and needs, you can have that relationship that will always be that one good thing in your life that you can count on, instead of letting your relationship add onto all the stressful things in your life.
Also, boys/men, it's hard to love when you don't love yourself. When you have other things going on in your life and you feel insecure about yourself, it really reflects on to your lover, don't take it out on them, there the suppose to be that person that helps you through these things. Get over the whole " i'm the man" thing.... we're human, we all hurt and we all could use someone for help and comfort no matter what sex you are... so use them!! it'll help you get through things because i'm sure they've been through similar situations you have. It doesn't make you look weak, it shows realness... no one can do everything on their own

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