Cheating and Lying

My Partner has Cheated on Me :

my girlfriend, 4 months into our relationship..i found out she cheated on me. she teared up and swore to me it wouldn't happen again. then i found out she had been sending pictures over the internet. she cried and begged me not to leave and said she will change. i put myself through the pain because i was in love with her. but now i found out more has been going on behind my back. so im going to end it with her tommorow. a tip to everyone. once it happens leave. don't put yourself through the pain if they dont have the respect and love for you to not cheat on you. if they came to you immidiately after it happend its up to you but if they kept it hidden, i'd say leave and see what there reaction is. if they really love you they'll chase after you. otherwise they wont.

in the end the pain isnt worth it if it keeps happening or if they cant be honest with you. find someone who will respect and love you for who you are and give you the love and respect you deserve. theres so many in the world. you'll find someone else. i know it wont be easy because im having to do it tommorow. and i know its going to hurt me alot. but i know its best for me..

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