Long Distance and Internet

Meeting for the First Time :
Well here is my story and tip's

I have been in an online relation now for.. one year i guss.

we have met in an chat room somewhere (not even sure where it was) and we became friends at first. After 3 years off beeing friends we started having feelings for eatchother.. and so we came into an relation.

The love i feel for her is something i cant disrcibe.. i have never felt the things i feel for her.. and i know she feels the same about me..

Right now i am doing the final preparations to come and vised her (we live a long way apart, i live in the netherlands and she lives in peru) i am going to stay with her for one month,.. and after thad the plan is thad she is going to come to my place in the netherlands.

The tips :

1- every relation is diffrent,.. so any tips given may not be for you.. you have to keep an open mind to all.

2- think about how your relation is going to work before you get into it ! , We have thought long and hard about if we realy wanted to do this.. becouse belive me its not easy to uphold an relation at this distance. Use your mind as well as your hart to make the desision.

3- get to know eatchother first. , i have know my girl for a long time.. and becouse we where friends first for a long time i know how she is. I think this is importand for an long distance relation to work.

4- keep in contact. , i talk to her every night/day moment i have free.. we use msn,skype,aol,sms,phone,with webcam... anything to talk to eatchother.

5- have more friends. I would advise eventhow its hard to keep hanging out with your friends.

6- surprise eatchother. there are plenty off things you can do to surprise eatchother.. make an nice email for him/her, make an video on youtube .. ust show him/her thad you care and want to do some effort to make it work.

7- dont get drunk,.. out off personal experiance.. ust dont do it.

8- have fun !, this is the most importand part.. love should be fun, so dont be ashamed.. if you both feel like it play a game, watch a movie, have cybersex.. i mean wahtever you two like to do you should do !

9- the first meeting, Well in my case i have to make an commitment to stay in peru for one month no mather what happends.. i cant ust go back in the plane the next day if things dont work out. i sugest to avoid this as much as possible.. i have made pease with this becouse i know who she is and i know we are going to work out .. but this might not be the same for you.. so look out :)

10- dont be stuped,.. you should folow your hart... but use your head to at all times.. if after 6 months you feel like the relation is not going anywhere dont be affraid to get out.. if you realy like eatchother you will get back anyway :)

well those are my tip's .. i hope you can use them !

Kind regards
(age 21)

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