Love Poetry

Love Poems - User Submitted :
shooting stars (1)

Perceiving what i have,
Falling faster then shooting stars under the midnight moon.

My mind wanders,
Only wandering so far before returning to her.
Thoughts of thee surround my subconsciousness.

Holding her by the waist,
With a desire to never let go.

Perceiving what i have,
Falling faster then shooting stars under the midnight moon.

So passionate,
This cryptic mutual feeling,
So passionate.

With a kiss on the forehead,
Making all disasters disappear,
A perfect moment with a heart oh so pure.

Perceiving what i have,
Falling faster then shooting stars under the midnight moon.

In the eyes that stare,
One cannot bear to overcome,
With the sparkle in the eyes.
Finally realizing she presumes the mutual affection,
In the eyes that stare.

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

Love Poetry > Love Poems - User Submitted

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