Cheating and Lying

I Have Cheated - Now What? :
I have cheated and can't figure out why!!!

I,ve been with my husband for 8 years, married for 3 we have a daughter that,s 2.. I,ve always been in contact with my first love (ex) and since 2 years now my husband has been working out of town and i have felt lonely and unloved.. I love my husband and he,s great and this summer i made the mistake of asking my ex to come visit and catch up in secret cuz that led to me cheating on my husband as well as he cheated on his GF he so claims to love and wants to ex has been dragging me along for a real ride of emotion and i can,t figure out what he means by it or why he even does it.. so my advice is to cut your ex,s out of your life cuz it,s such and emotional ride you don,t want to go down that road, you will never find what your looking for, i,ve been trying to figure it out for way too long... I have made the decision not to tell my husband because i know it was wrong and I won,t do it again.. but we have talked about our own relationship and agreed we needed to work on it...

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