Recovering from a Breakup

How to Handle Your Ex :
trying not to think about it?

I know whne people say to you, " ohh dont think about them" jheeez its hard, my heart got broken on chrismas eve but the boy i was in love with. All you need to do is listen to music that is upbeat and happy, keep your slef hyper and busy, yes some songs will make you cry but you will of course have out burst you go to deal with it, and im saying this from being broken hearted too but dont keeping thinking that there is still hope becus if there isnt then you will be shatterd and hurt even more, you just need to know when to let go, if your reading this hope that your okay iv been there without anyones help trust me i thought i was gunna die, but il slowly get there.
Your life will be normal soon

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How to Handle Your Ex : List of Tips
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