Cheating and Lying
I Have Cheated - Now What? :
Definitely Tell.
I recently cheated on my girlfriend, I was really worried about and still am in a way, because I,m sure there,ll be more consequences. I didn,t know what to do, but it was really worrying me that she was going to hear some twisted story from someone who knew about what had happened, so I told her.
She said she,ll give me one more chance, i,m not going to mess things up this time. Definitely tell, because she/he is more likely to finish with you if they hear about it, but if you,ve been honest, owned up and are really sorry for what you,ve done, you,ve still got a chance.
Hope this helps, don,t worry though, life has many highs and lows, we all have them, so keep going strong.
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