Recovering from a Breakup

How to Handle Your Ex :
Forgive and Forget - pray to God

Forgive all the hurtful things your ex said/did to you. Remove all the negative feelings that can make you feel fearful, angry, sad, rejected. Pray to God to remove all these negative feelings for you.

Forget all the nice things your ex gave/said/did to you FOR NOW. You don,t want to be recall and linger on this feeling and hope to get back together. Remove pictures, contact information, gifts from your sight. Then soon you will realize there is nothing left between you guys. Once you have moved on, you probably forget about where you store those things, or if you take them out, you will smile and remember some good memories.

Afterall, pray to God as often as you need. Remember He is the one always with you and loves you unconditionally. He is the only one who can make everything happens. Seek Him and He will help you get through this.

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How to Handle Your Ex : List of Tips
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