Cheating and Lying
I Have Cheated - Now What? :
Thats What She Said...
She told me she just wanted to be my friend, but it all ended up being all twisted. I had my girl friend and became friends with a married women 10 yrs older than me,"that only wanted to be my friend." Soon we began having feelings for each other' she wanted to leave her husband and I was more than willing to leave my girl friend. We slept together a couple of times. It wasnt long till my parents found out. This was the most embarrasing moment of my life. I regret not being able to stop my self from cheating on my girl friend. I broke up with her because I felt like sh*t, and because she wasnt worthy of me. I feel horrible inside because I know I did wrong, and on top of that because I had allready been warned by the word of God when I went to church about that being wrongful. I never though I would end up like this.I dont want to ever cheat again!
Im amazed to see how many people have either cheated or gotten cheated. When we cheat we dont only hurt other people we hurt ourselves. Those of us that have cheated have to live with the guilt, but if we repent from it with all our heart and never ever do it again we can make that guilt dissapear and feel like we have a new life!
Im single now, but Im afraid of falling in love and being cheat on.....
Do not let your emotions control you. Many chics are very atractive but not all are wort it.If an atractive woman (thats married, or if your already in a relationship) and she wants to be your friend, let her be your friend, but be man enough to say NO and walk away if you know she more than just your friendship, dont be afraid to run, you wont loose your balls for that.
This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.
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