Cheating and Lying

My Partner has Cheated on Me :

Never a truer word spoken i got wit my boyfriend of 2 and a 1/2 years after knowin his track record he was in a relationship where they both cheated on each other for years... i fell for him and absolutely treated him like a king spent two years makin him feel secure and showin him tat u can have normal relationships. he ,slipped up, twice at the start but after him beggin for months and provin he loved only me i took him back and we made a great life together for a year really good life and home together and then after a year of complete bliss i find out he went out one nite and now there is a girl pregnant for him.. crushed in pain and shocked but i will shake tat girls hand some day cause she has done me a favour as much pain as i,m in i have to stay positive and stop dwellin on the good times cause i know now for sure cheaters can,t change no matter how much they have a good thing or how happy they are they are the pits!!!!

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