Kissing Tips and Techniques

First Kisses :
No games, just the perfect first kiss... Guys read!

If you really like or love someone, then the chances are that they like or love you too. A lot of girls are too shy to make the first move, but they will drop subtle hints that will make it clear that they are interested, so don,t be too scared to kiss them. Girl,s don,t like it when guys play hard to get. Everyone wants to feel loved. There are many different ways to go about the first kiss that are right for different situations. However, girls will really like it if you make the first move. One way to go about this if you are nervous is to just look deeply into her eyes and pay her a compliment. When she smiles just kiss her... it doesn,t have to be anything ambitious. In fact, a small peck on the lips will let the girl know how you feel and she will also feel respected and know that you really care because you aren,t moving too fast. More passionate kisses can come later if you lack confidence and a small kiss at first will be very sweet.

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