Cheating and Lying
I Have Cheated - Now What? :
Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right
My wife and I have been separated for several months yet seeking counseling with hope of trying to get back together soon. Early in our separation I suspected she had cheated on me with someone she works with so I confronted her. She argued it was only a one time dinner date after we separated and so I dropped it. Then I received e-mail proof that it went beyond what she claimed and had started when we were still together. Having decided to move forward with our marriage, I felt I needed to just accept it and avoided confronting her further telling myself it was probably over and partially my fault for not being there for her.
Then I received another anonymous e-mail containing hard evidence that a recent party she claimed was just a bunch of friends getting together was anything but. She had cheated again. The day that I received this I was out of town with a group that included a woman who had flirted with me in the past and knew my wife and I were separated.
Without going into details I decided to cheat on my wife as a sort of disgusting revenge.
Now ever time my wife and I are together I feel guilt. Every time we are apart I am afraid that she will find out since she knows this other woman. I am stuck since I know that my one night of indiscretion could end any hope of our marriage just as easily as hers. Plus there is the overwhelming pain of having been cheated on. I,m also worried because I know I will have to see the woman with whom I cheated soon and am not sure how to handle that either. She sends me several text every day and has called many times leaving voice mails wanting to move forward.
I,ve really made a mess of the whole situation and have no idea what to do.
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