Is It Love

What Girls Want :
main things a girl wants

This is what every grl wants so ladz take notes;

Tell her how you ADMIRE her. always tell her you LOVE her at all times. when she is UPSET hold her tight. pick HER ver ALL the other GIRLS you hang out with. PLAY with her hair. pick her up TICKLE her and WRESTLE with her. just TALK to her. tell her JOKES. bring her FLOWERS just.. because. hold her hand and run. just hold her hand. throw PEBBLES a her window at night. let her FALL ASLEEP in your arms. SING to her NO MATTER HOW awfull you sound. get her mad at you then kiss her. give her piggy back rides. PUSH her on SWINGS. tell her she looks BEAUTIFUL. when she is sad stay on the phone with her even if she is NOT saying anything. look into her EYES and SMILE KISS her on the forehead. slow DANCE with her even if there is no music. KISS her in the rain. AND WHEN YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH HER..... TELL HER

This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.

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What Girls Want : List of Tips
Is It Love : List of Topics
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